Monday, December 30, 2019
Self-care tips for when you dont have the time
Self-care tips for when you dont have the timeSelf-care tips for when you dont have the timeCreating a healthy work-life balance for yourself isnt easy. At times, it feels like there isnt enough time in the day to get everything done, let alone give yourself a minute to breathe.But while its a challenge to prioritize your wellness, your body and mind need you to Too many of us get to the point of total burnout or breakdown before we realize its time to make some changes.As the owner of a 20+ employeedog-walking business, I know how hard it can be to make time for yourself. Im tempted to give every waking moment to my team members, my customers, and my loved ones. But if I dont prioritize myself and my wellbeing, Im no good to any of those people I care about anyway.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraSo here are a few ways Ive learned to practice self-care when it feels like theres just no time1. Learn how to say noI know its hard to feel like youre letting someone else down, but we must stop being yes people Its okay to set boundaries with your time. Let go of your fear of disappointing someone else and put yourself first. In my experience, I find I actually earn more respect in the process of saying no.2. Add it to your scheduleBeing more intentional with your time by building self-care into your schedule can save you from the natural overwhelm that comes with multiple hectic days in a row. I try to plan most of my self care on the same day each week. For me, its Tuesday. My team knows that its when I schedule appointments with my therapist, trainer, and chiropractor and that Im not likely to be as available.3. Take advantage of any gaps in your dayWhenever you find yourself with a few minutes to spare between meetings, use it Take it as an opportunity to squeeze in some self-care. I like to catch up on my favorite podcasts, get some meditation in, or just g o for a walk for some fresh air. Even tiny breaks makes a big difference and leave me feeling rejuvenated in no time4. Find your own zenSelf-care doesnt always look exactly like what Instagram tells you it should. Maybe its diving deeper into the book youre reading, or taking a midday yoga class, or maybe all you want to do with your half hour is zone out and binge on some mindless TV. Whatever it is that you need, do it and dont beat yourself up about it.5. Enjoy the little momentsI often find its the little moments that bring me joy, when I can remember to actually take a second and really experience them. I might wake up a little earlier to enjoy that first sip of coffee outside as the sun rises, or take a couple of extra minutes to give my pet a few more morning cuddles. I try to remember to take a deep breath, count my blessings, and really take a moment to notice the good all around me.Youd be surprised how wonderfully satisfying little moments like that are and how they can boost your energy going into the rest of your day. One of my most peaceful memories is from 15 years ago. I was outside at the dog daycare where I worked and it was snowing so hard that the world was silent. It was such a powerful quiet that you dont get to hear very often and if I think back to it I can feel the calm from that moment even now.6. Go with the flowEven with all these best-laid plans and good practices to prioritize yourself, sometimes it just doesnt work. If a situation comes up that you need to handle and your self-care plan has to change, dont despair. Of course, its frustrating. Canceling my self-care plans to cover for a dog walker who has a flat tire is such a bummer but its a reality for me and it for all of us sometimesWhen things like that happen, I let myself get angry for a few minutes. Its ok to be mad and sad for your s-lost time. But after a beat I move forward and make a new plan. Being mad about it for days is only going to drain more energy from you. Find another time, and commit to that.7. Promote a Self-Care CultureIf youre managing a team, make sure youre promoting the idea of self-care with everyone on it. They dont have to do the same self-care as you do but if they tell you they need some time, let them take it and dont make them feel bad for it. If they dont ask for it, ask them how theyre doing. Ask them if they need some time or space to take care of themselves. Check in with them. Doing this will not only encourage your team to stay with you because they feel good, but theyll help keep you accountable with your self-care too.As the adage goes life is a marathon, not a sprint. Pace yourself and make sure youre fueling yourself along the way even when it feels like theres no time. This is your one and precious life, so we have to make the time we need to take care of ourselves.This article first appeared on Bossed Up.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Say good night less screen time can improve teen sleep habits in a few weeks
Say good night less screen time can improve teen sleep habits in a few weeksSay good night less screen time can improve teen sleep habits in a few weeksFor most of menschlich evolution, our sleep patterns have revolved around the pattern of the sun.Then our circadian rhythms were altered with the discovery of fire, and changed forever when we discovered electricity.Now we can keep the lights on and a glowing screen in front of our faces whenever we want.The difficult part, sleep experts are finding out, is rediscovering how to turn it all off.A common complaint for modern parents is how much time their kids want to spend on their devices, whether it be their phones, tablets, or computers.Besides fears that theyll miss the world around them, many parents are concerned about the long-term effects oftoo much screen use.A new study suggests that its not just the screens but the particular hue of the blue glow they admit.New research out of the Netherlands suggests that cutting off screen time two hours before its time to call it a night - or at least wearing glasses that block the blue hue - could make significant differences in a young adults sleep patterns.The research was presented last weekend at theannual meetingof the European Society of Endocrinology in Lyon, France.The findings havent been published yet in a peer-reviewed journal.Changing teen sleep patternsTo test the effects thatblue-lightemitting screens had on young people, researchers recruited 55 Dutch children ages 12 to 17 with varying degree of daily screen time usage.They were divided into three groups. Some were studied while using their screens as normal, while others wore glasses that blocked the screens blue light, and others completely abstained from glowing screens.Their sleep quality was judged over a five-week period using diaries, machines that track when a person is restfully sleeping, and by sampling their levels of melatonin, a hormone associated with sleep.Researchers say both the b lue-light-blocking glasses and reducing screen time a few hours before bed equated to overall better sleep.One of the head researchers, Dr. Dirk Jan Stenvers, a postdoctoral research fellow and clinical endocrinology fellow at the Amsterdam UMC, said the data shows that complaints of sleep problems, including taking longer to get to sleep, are due in part to the blue light emitted by screens.Adolescents increasingly spend more time on devices with screens, and sleep complaints are frequent in this age group, Stenvers said in a statement. Here we show very simply that these sleep complaints can be easily reversed by minimizing evening screen use or exposure to blue light.Study provides tips for parentsThe study offers practical insight for parents who are helping their children get meaningful rest.Dr. Gina Posner, a pediatrician at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California, told Healthline that one of the interesting things she found in the study was the use of blue light-filtering glasses.This is great for my patients that refuse to reduce their screen time, but I still believe it is important to keep it to a maximum of two hours a day to increase physical activity as well as allow children time to decompress before bedtime, Posner said.Dr. Danelle Fisher, vice chair of pediatrics at Providence Saint Johns Health Center in Santa Monica, California, says when discussing sleep hygiene with families, its important to note that less screen exposure before bedtime helps kids fall into a restful sleep faster.Sleep is important in this age group and more and more adolescents are experiencing sleep disturbances, Dr. Fisher said. This can give families insight into the problems adolescents can experience with sleeping and how to improve sleep quality by trying to minimize screen exposure.Long-term health effectsExperts say its especially important because not getting enough sleep doesnt just equate to being tired and having trouble concent rating.In the long run, it can lead to preventable diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.With the new research, Stenvers and his fellow researchers say theyre interested in whether reduced screen time and improved sleep has longer lasting effects. And whether the research translates to adults.If we can introduce simple measures now to tackle this issue, we can avoid greater health problems in years to come, he said.This article first appeared on Healthline.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
What Iceland can teach the U.S. about equal pay for women
What Iceland can teach the U.S. about equal pay for womenWhat Iceland can teach the U.S. about equal pay for womenThere is no country better positioned to celebrate Equal Pay Day than Iceland.On March 8th, International Womens Day, Iceland did a lot more for their countrywomen than drop a brass statue of a girl in front of the Charging Bull on Wall Street. The countrys leaders announced that Iceland would become the first country to enforce equal pay for women on a national level.There is a standard which we have already taken up, but not all are following it, said Icelands Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktssonto reporters recently.According to the World Economic Forum, Iceland is already the most equal country in the world in terms of gender. Even so, there is still a sizeable average wage eu-agrarpolitik of 14-18% between men and women. By enacting countrywide federal regulations, the Icelandic government hopes to close the gender wage eu-agrarpolitik entirely by 2022.The plan will go into effect in 2020, and will apply to every Icelandic company that employs more than 25 people. Every 3 years, they will have to undergo certification to keep their equal pay policies in check.It comes on the heels of a massive strike that took place in Iceland last October in which women protested the wage gap. At 238pm, 90% of women across the country walked out of work as that was 70% of their workday, which equals the average cent on the dollar they earn. The Icelandic government took notice and acted accordingly. Iceland is changing the wage gap in different waysIn 2000, they instituted an equal parental leave policy, which gave both parents 3 months off, and an additional 3 to split between them. In 2012, that policy was upgraded to 5 months with 2 additional months to share. The country also pays for 95% of kindergarten tuition, which makes it much easier for parents to return to work.In October, 2016, Iceland elected a record number of women to Parliament - 30 out of 63 s eats - which makes it the most equal Parliament in the world among countries without a quota.Outside of politics, due to their excellent state level education systems in place and government assistance with childcare, Iceland has the the highest percentage of women in the workforce worldwide.Needless to say, if there was an award for most feminist country in the world, Iceland would likely win it.The U.S. is making progress on equality, but has far to goAccording to The Economists most recent glass-ceiling datenbankindex which measures things like higher education, workforce participation, pay, child-care costs, maternity and paternity rights, and representation in senior jobs, the US ranks 20 out of the 29 countries represented.While that doesnt sound great - specifically in terms of gender wage gap, in which the US ranks in the bottom 5- , there are silver linings. The U.S., even though it feels like its falling behind, ranks ranks highest in percentage of women in managerial pos itions at 43.4%, and more than the average number of women in this upper echelon ranking are attaining higher education degrees. Of course, we have a lot of work to do in terms of women in government offices, but that change may be on the horizon considering our current political climate.Furthermore, the wage gap is much smaller for younger women ages 25-34, at 93 cents to the dollar, which suggests the trend is finally turning a corner, and the overall gap will shrink over the next decade.Finally, there have been some measures taken on the state level to equalize the pay gap. In 2010, Minnesota finally achieved full pay equity for state employment, which means they are one of the few states to require equal pay for work of equal value, and have since 1982. Its taken decades, however, for that requirement to be properly enacted.Compared to Iceland, the United States has a long way to go to achieve gender equality in the workforce, but the battle for change is well underway. And, wit h a burgeoning generation of women who refuse to take inequality lying down, the chances of this gap disappearing in the not-too-distant future are good.
Monday, December 16, 2019
How to lead with questions, not perfect answers
How to lead with questions, elend perfect answersHow to lead with questions, not perfect answersBureaucracies are built by and for people who busy themselves proving they are necessary, especially when they suspect they arent. - Ricardo SemlerLeaders are expected to be perfect (though they shouldnt be).Thats why, in many organizations, being right equals to having authority - certainty is rewarded, and questions are not allowed. The lack of a challenging mentality is an expensive mistake to make - companies end solving the wrong problem.Leadership models need to shift from owning knowledge to promoting a culture of curiosity.Managers are not meant to solve for everyones problems - people have the ability and responsibility to find their own solutions. Encourage people to ask questions. Hold back your impulses resist the temptation for (any) quick answer.Leading with questions is an invitation for everyone to think.The beauty lies in the questionHow people deal with questions says a lot about your organizational culture. As I observe helping kollektivs become mora innovative, the companies that resist change the most tend to ask very few questions.A mora autonomous workplace is challenging power-driven executives - they fear their expertise and authority can lose relevance. Thats why they dont encourage dissent - they protect their positions by owning the answers. However, providing wisdom is a more effective way of staying relevant - thats the power of questions.Wise leaders dont pretend to know it all - they are comfortable challenging their own assumptions. Wisdom, like leadership, is not defined by a title.We all want answers. However, wise people encourage us to find solutions on our own terms. They coach us to ask better questions - the beauty of problem-solving lies in the journey.Wise leaders challenge people to look beyond lazy solutions. Easy access to information promotes short-term curiosity. Most individuals seek easy answers, not true know ledge - 95% of people dont check past Googles page one results.Beautiful questions move us from our comfort zone to the discovery zone.A beautiful question is an ambitious yet actionable question that shifts the way we perceive or think about something, according to Warren Berger. The author of A Beautiful Question, coined that term to refer to a catalyst that can uncover change and possibilities.Berger focuses on questions that can be acted upon. Thats where the beauty lies - its not about creating a philosophical debate, but to provoke deep thinking to uncover practical solutions.Leaders must help their teams rediscover the beauty within questions - quick short-term fixes are anything but beautiful.How you can lead with questionsQuestions are the frames into which the answers fall. - Tina Seelig1. Challenge existing assumptionsPerfectionism is the enemy of change its impossible to improve something when we believe theres nothing wrong. Blind spots get us into trouble - what in dividuals or teams dont know they dont know causes the majority of corporate failures.If I leave the company, what would you like the new CEO to change.Many organizations dont encourage people to ask questions - challenging your boss, or the status quo is seen as disrespectful. However, not acting upon the issues can cause more harm than putting someones prestige at risk.Start by challenging your own assumptions. Embracing vulnerability rather than certainty is anything but weakness - its a clear proof of your commitment to continuous improvement.2. Reframe the real problemWe all jump way too fast into finding solutions. However, sometimes our creative juices can harm us - the rush to show how smart we are moves us into answering the wrong question.Why should you be stuck without a bed if Ive got an extra air mattress?Airbnbs $10 billion valuation all started with a Beautiful Question, as Berger explains in his book. Beautiful questions are not just about you they help realize ot her peoples problems.Brainstorming questions, not ideas, forces us to focus on better understanding the problem, rather than jumping into the solutions. Why does the problem exist? What does it say about our company? Is there a more significant problem behind it that we are missing?Brainstorming questions helps people dig deeper into a problem - solving the right challenge starts by challenging the problem itself.3. Create a culture of curiosityCuriosity is the mother of innovation. To unleash your teams creativity doesnt require complicated questions. Sometimes, simpler questions can find solutions behind the status quo - the devil is in the details.Why do we want kids to sit still in class?Curiosity is about challenging our daily reality - what others accept as normal, you turn it into a question. A report from the Institute of Medicine concluded that active children show greater attention, have faster cognitive processing speed and perform better.Turn asking questions into ong oing practice. A culture of curiosity also leverages the power of quiet people - introverts feel more comfortable asking questions that sharing their ideas out loud.4. Coach people to ask better questionsOur brain likes to ask lazy questions - we substitute questions with easier ones to save energy and time. As Nobel laureate and psychologist Daniel Kahneman explains When faced with a difficult question, we often answer an easier one instead, usually without noticing the substitution.How can we play better? versus Whats driving our success?Dont focus on the positive. People are less likely to lie when questioners make pessimistic assumptions versus optimistic ones, as different studies show.Avoid closed questions they force us to select between existing options. Suboptimal questions make us settle for lazy answers - sometimes the best solution is to unanswer the question, as I wrote here.Encourage your team to challenge the questions - dont settle for lazy problems.5. Use questi ons to encourage transparencyEvery individual in your organization is a sensor. The increasing complexity and speed of businesses require paying attention to every signal - when a problem makes it to the top, it might be too late to fix it.What is everyone thinking but no one is saying?A culture that encourages people to ask questions increases communication, collaboration, and transparency. It facilitates identifying and addressing tensions before they escalate and create more harm.Transparency removes the drama behind questions - rather than being defensive people enjoy the challenge. It creates an open-dialogue culture - people provide feedback via what if? rather than you should - - - For some people, questioning is a natural skill for most, it needs to be nurtured.Creating a culture of curiosity takes time. Most people are wired to impress others with their smarts rather than to challenge reality - they need to become comfortable with navigating uncertainty.The power of questions lies in unlocking value in organizations. It turns blindspots into bright spots, it fuels innovation and continuous improvement, it creates a culture of transparency and collaboration, it focuses our effort on solving the right problem and builds trust.Leading with questions is a beautiful and effective habit.Upgrade your teamDownloadmy ebook Stretch Your Team - how to thrive in a changing worldget your free copy.Receive my weekly Insights for ChangemakersSign Up Now.Thisarticlefirst appeared on Medium.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
The Benefits of Connecting with People on LinkedIn
The Benefits of Connecting with People on LinkedInThe Benefits of Connecting with People on LinkedInAre you wondering about the benefits of connecting with people on LinkedIn?What I want to talk about is how to let your guard down a bit and make lifelong connections.Over the last several weeks I have discovered the magic of networking on LinkedIn.Now I want to share it with you.I made a commitment to reach out to new people every day, sharing openly and from my heart. Connections are happening more naturally and with purpose. Im being led to like-minded people based on shared interests and connections.What is so magical about that?Building relationships on a professional level with a powerful LinkedIn summary is essential. Afterall, LinkedIn is defined as a social networking site specifically for the business community.The magic comes from getting to know people on a deeper level. It begins when reading about one persons struggles with their job search or career change. Their fears o f the future. Real life worries and strife. Panic, desperation, depression. Its all there.Heres where the magic of connecting with people on LinkedIn happens.People begin to altruistically share glaubenszeugniss of hope. The threads grow exponentially as others begin to identify with what another person is going through.In this social platform, we get to participate in the experience as people become inspired. They share their own stories and offer advice. People share support, wisdom, tools, and resources.People share things like how to professionally manage your job search, but also why its important to put self-care at the top of your career search.We get to share in gratitude.Together, we witness a shift that occurs within the person who was feeling low and hopeless. That person now has a sense of purpose. The suffering is transformed into hope with real-life solutions for job hunting. There is more. We will also have the opportunity to learn about someone elses achievements. We will find out how they overcame obstacles to achieve what they previously thought was impossible. We will read about the people that lifted them up along the way.It is delightful to be a part of the thread that grows. People share congratulations, virtual high-fives, and gratitude for reading how someone else did it. They overcame Against all odds.Its corny, but I believe in magic.There are companies out there that are giving back. I have seen it with my own eyes. They want to do better, and they are listening. Even if only through osmosis.Im watching the evolution. We are boosting the message as we share our highs and lows with each other. We are inspiring change as we collaborate and challenge the leaders of today.Todays Founders and CEOs are striving to create more inclusive cultures. They are beginning to foster healthier workplaces. There is great value in LinkedIn and most of it is available to you for free. Successful and talented professionals are offering their advice and sharing ideas. Do I have rose-colored glasses?Ill admit, I could have a pair around here somewhere. At the very least, LinkedIn is a place to collaborate, grow, and support job seekers. I say we dont stop there.Live with intention and no expectations. Release judgment of self and of others.Reach out to me and lets make some magic
Friday, December 6, 2019
The Idiots Manual to Resume Reference Examples
The Idiots Manual to Resume Reference Examples The Chronicles of Resume Reference Examples Use the exact same heading at the surface of your references page as you use at the very top of your resume. If youre looking for Professional Reference List Template youve come to the correct spot. Far better retain and get the quality of a Reference Letter. Continue reading for tips on developing a reference list. The sample reference page provided here can readily be adapted to satisfy your wants. As soon as you have decided on who you need to have in your reference list you have to get their permission. Below youll discover a sample reference list. These sample reference lists will allow you to organize your reference info in the appropriate format. Just make koranvers, whichever format you opt for, which youre targeting it for the job that youre applying to. In the region of private wellness and well-being, labels are utilised to help with diagnosis and communication of a broad number of conditions. Be certain to respect each individuals preferences. Now that youre schooled on how best to list reference on a resume, know your resumeand your referencesmay must be altered slightly as you submit an application for different jobs. Once your resume is prepared to go, you will wish to be sure to receive it in front of as many employers as possible. If you are searching for work, then you are going to need references. For an example if youre now searching for a new job. If you dont want to use a resume objective, you can just use a heading below your name that indicates the kind of job you would like to apply for. The very last thing you wish to do is receive a job which you cant do. You merely will have to figure out where to look and the ideal way to dig deep into get the info. Use the search box to find precisely what you are seeking. For example, a chef may opt to underline the presentation and speed involved with serving meals to customers. Your j obs could possibly be varied, your experience and techniques vast, and it can be challenging getting it all on paper. If youre just obtaining a moment or two per weathercast, youre passing up a complete news show experience. Seeking to apply my graphic design abilities and artistic drive for a summer intern at your organization. Employers understand that youre young and looking to enhance your experience, so give them as much as you can that shows youre be an important employee. Not only are you going to look bad, but its going haunt you down the line with other future prospective employers. The greatest section of ones resume ought to be specialized in your experience thats just enjoy the job which you desire. A legal professional seeking the most suitable job should have a strong resume to be able to be noticed by the employers. The Fight Against Resume Reference Examples Diagrams are extremely frequently utilized to explain reasoning processes. Formatting your resume refe rences is a comparatively straightforward undertaking. Using graphs, diagrams and charts can assist your reader to acquire a clearer picture of your research findings and the way they compare with different data. Be consistent with your formatting and make certain to include exactly the same information for each reference. Dont utilize various sorts of listings since it makes your cover letter unprofessional. You would like to print on paper heavier than that which you traditionally find in photocopiers. If thats the case, a land line with a dependable voice mail system could possibly be a better choice. Picking the proper font can look to be an impossible job, especially since there are dozens and dozens of choices out there. Career Objectives are excellent for resumes with a particular purpose. Your references have agreed to enable you to give their contact information to a possible employer. Make certain your resume is simple to understand and read. Before you begin, it can be useful to review examples to have ideas for your resumes and cover letters. Choosing Good Resume Reference Examples Since a wonderful reference letter aids compensate for fewer years of expertise or else less formal education you might be put before the pack simply because of your letter. If you require in order to secure a top rated excellent status in the workforce or else to be admitted to a school of higher education then youll possibly call for a reference letter. Wherever youre in your nursing career, weve got a resume sample that could help you write or update your nurse resume. If your reference is someone renown in the business or industry.
Monday, December 2, 2019
A Practical Guide to Being Better Than Your Boss
A Practical Guide to Being Better Than Yur Boss Time and time again, weve heard successful people make an interesting claim hiring employees who are smarter than you is a great business practice. Heres Phil Libin, co-founder and CEO of Evernote Hiring people smarter than yourself is the long-term answer to your micromanagement problem. I take it very seriously, and I encourage all of my directreports to apply it to their direct reports, all the way down the organization to the most junior levels. This is hard to do, and were certainly not perfect at executing the rule allthe time, but we come pretty close.AndRyan Blair, author of Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain It is my goal to be in awe of every person I hire. I want to see traits in her or him that are more dynamic or more positive than my own abilities in that area, because I know that simply by working with that person, I will be able to g row and the company will prosper, thanks to this continuous reach for improvement.But while experts are extolling the virtues of hiring people who are better than their anfhreres, employees are often grumbling about the very same thing. How many times have we heard friends, relatives, coworkers, or ourselves complain about incompetent leaders and managers. Employees, by and large, still ascribe to a traditionally hierarchical approach to the workplace we want our bosses to be smarter than us if they arent, their leadership is illegitimate, and we feel they should be removed from their positions.Employees its time we readjust our thinking. If were smarter than our bosses, then, by most accounts, our bosses are actually doing something right. With that, I offer three tips for employees who find that they are smarter than their bosses, with the hopes that theyll stop complaining and start seeing the benefits of their situations.Oh, and if our CEO, Miles, is reading this these totally are not culled from personal experience. Youre somehow both the best CEO ever and the smartest guy in the room. Please dont fire me.1. Realize that They Made the Right DecisionAccording to Blair, the semi-legendary Bill Gates makes a habit of hiring people who are smarter than he is.Libin jokes that, thanks to his hiring practices, hes the dumbest person at Evernote and maybe thats exactly why his company was Inc.s Company of the Year in 2011.The point is if your boss hired you, and you are smarter than they are, then your boss made the right decision. You may be smarter, but your boss clearly knows how to manage. Take your bosss willingness to hire a smarter subordinate as a sign of your bosss strong management practices.And if your boss didnt hire a smarter employee on purpose? If your boss still manages you poorly and tries to assert dominance? Recognize that you may be in a position to change that.2. Flaunt What Youve GotYour boss hired a smarter employee because they saw your potential. They saw the talent you could bring to the table. Dont go hiding your light under a bushel, then.It can be tempting to downplay your skills. You dont want to seem like youre challenging the bosss authority. However, downplaying your skills is exactly what the boss doesnt want you to do. Smarter employees are good for the company show off your skills and watch your employer grow.3. Learn from Each OtherOf course, while youre busy showing off your skills, dont let it all go to your head. You may be smarter than your boss with respect to the job that you do, but a boss who knows to hire smarter employees is a boss who knows how to manage a workplace. Youre great at what you do and, chances are, your boss is great at what they do.So learn from your boss see the way they manage people who are smarter than them watch how they lead a group of people who excel in the very fields that the boss fails. Use these lessons to inform your own habits as an employee. You may be a boss one day, and you can draw from your own bosses best practices. And even if you never are in charge of a team, youll still be working with other people all your life, both in and out of the office. You wont always be the smartest person in the room.And, of course, a great boss knows to learn from their employees as well. As Libin says, I interact with roughly 30 Evernote people on a daily basis, and I can say without hesitation that they all do their jobs better than I could hope to. Every time we have a discussion about work, I learn something.Of course, when all is said and done, some bosses who hire smarter employeesareincompetent. If your boss really is terrible well, thats a much sadder story for another day.
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